Life Sentence
The Life Sentence exercise is a process of looking back over my life and career to identify the people, events, activities and circumstances that have most affected my life. It involved exploring the highs and the lows ...
Any dream will do
I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain, To see for certain what I thought I knew. Far, far away, someone was weeping , But the world was sleeping, Any dream will do.I first heard these lyrics when I was a teenager, and more recently when I started thinking about what they actually meant for me I found an interpretation that really resonated and helped me to understand why I love doing what I’m doing.
Where are you going to?
"You’re nothing but a dreamer."I never dreamt I’d be able to fit into a 30” waist again. That’s what I thought some years ago when I caught sight of my portly figure.
Paperback Writer
Publishing a book on Amazon. Oh, I could write a book about that! How many times have you heard someone say that when they’ve been through some difficult situation or experience, or when they want to have a gossip about something. Maybe you’ve said it yourself from time to time too.
What's your passion?
Apparently, nine out of ten adults have or want a pursuit that ignites their passionate side. That’s what the study conducted by Alpha Romeo found as part of their recent #FindYourPassion campaign.