Leaders are Listeners
Most people would agree that listening is an essential skill in life and business, yet so few seem to be skilled practitioners. In my line of business I spend quite a lot of time “networking” ...
It's lonely at the top ...
Where can I find out how to lose some weight, become toned and get fit?That’s the question I needed an answer to if I was to be successful in losing the extra pounds I had managed to accumulate by the time I was in my 30s. Initially I turned to the sports and fitness magazines, only to be disappointed.
Influence: to encourage someone to take action
"Don’t look at them … they’re only showing off!"Don’t look at them. That’s a phrase I seem to hear from the passenger seat quite often when a really nice car drives past catching my attention.
Where are you going to?
"You’re nothing but a dreamer."I never dreamt I’d be able to fit into a 30” waist again. That’s what I thought some years ago when I caught sight of my portly figure.
Party Hats
"All generalisations are false."A couple of years ago we had the most amusing start to the traditional Christmas Day turkey dinner. At the appointed time we all sat down, as usual, proceeded to pour a glass of something cold and sparkling, undo our napkins, and then each of us took hold of a shiny tube and pulled one end or the other in pairs.
Who is your rigger?
"The more you know, the more you know you don’t know."Can you tell me how to do my job? I felt like that was the question I was asking every day when I went to work at my first job after graduating.
Self Control
Tap into your won’t power.It’s really easy to give up smoking, I’ve done it loads of times. I just choose not to for now. Have you ever heard anyone say that? I know I have, and I know that I have been guilty of saying it myself on occasion too.
What would you like to drink?
Constant change is here to stay! I was looking for the correctly attributed source of the quote: “Constant change is here to stay.” recently and I failed to locate one.
Level 4 leadership
Who are you investing in? Mozart is universally acknowledged as one for all types of music down the ages, Gershwin was one for popular music, Lonnie Donegan was one according to Roger Glover (bassist for Deep Purple) and Elvis Presley was one according to Rolling Stone magazine.
PRIZE Winning Leadership
An introduction. I’ve been on a journey. My journey so far includes several seasons, and I hope that I’ll be here to experience and enjoy several more to come.
Paperback Writer
Publishing a book on Amazon. Oh, I could write a book about that! How many times have you heard someone say that when they’ve been through some difficult situation or experience, or when they want to have a gossip about something. Maybe you’ve said it yourself from time to time too.
Building memories
The audience of one. We were all assembled by the small white pavilion, next to the river in the hot Florida sunshine.
Where do you go to my lovely
Discomfort Zone. The Comfort Zone gets some bad press these days. “Life begins at the end of the comfort zone”, and there are countless articles that encourage us to get out of our comfort zone to experience success. But do we need to?
What's your passion?
Apparently, nine out of ten adults have or want a pursuit that ignites their passionate side. That’s what the study conducted by Alpha Romeo found as part of their recent #FindYourPassion campaign.
I’ve started so I’ll finish
Come Back & Finish What You Started. Do you ever feel overwhelmed, too many things going on at the same time? Too many balls to juggle, too many plates spinning?