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from PRIZE Winning Leadership

Chapter one of PRIZE Winning Leadership

Leadership can be described as taking people with us from here to there. If there is no 'there' to go, why do we need a leader? If there is no one following the leader, she is simply taking a walk.

This book is divided into three sections entitled DREAM, DELIVER and DEVELOP. These reflect the leadership journey of firstly figuring out where “there” is, then the journey of getting there, and finally a season to reflect and grow to find where the next there is.

I’ll also add you to my occasional Sustainable Leadership e-bulletin, which has further insights into improving your leadership skills.

Speaking … on Purpose

Even the most accomplished speakers I've seen and had a chance to chat with have all said "it takes a lot of practice to make it look this easy".

So, the first question you'll want to answer is Why?

Why do you want to learn to speak better?

What's your main purpose?

I’ll also add you to my occasional Sustainable Leadership e-bulletin, which has further insights into improving your leadership skills.

Mastermind Groups … on Purpose

So, what is a Mastermind Group, how does it work, and what is its purpose?

The purpose of a mastermind group is to help, support and encourage you to stretch yourself to strive for more strategic outcomes, and to hold you accountable for achieving them.

A mastermind group is a type of Peer Coaching group used to help members of the group solve their problems, with input and advice from the other group members.

I’ll also add you to my occasional Sustainable Leadership e-bulletin, which has further insights into improving your leadership skills.

Leadership Quotient

Leadership is the art of making decisions in the dim light of incomplete information, and is measured with the brilliant illumination of hindsight.

~ Roger Fairhead

We tend to judge ourselves on our intentions and other people on their actions, and this is nowhere more true than in delivering and assessing leadership.

The gap between the leader’s intentions and the subsequent assessment of their actions is magnified by the quality of information against which to measure the initial intentions and resulting actions.

If we want to be sure to be as well equipped as possible when the time comes for those dimly lit decisions to be made, then we need to make sure that our leadership skills are as developed as possible in preparation, and the PLQ provides a helpful benchmark against which we can assess our progress.

I’ll also add you to my occasional Sustainable Leadership e-bulletin, which has further insights into improving your leadership skills.

Identity Insights

Understanding the difference between what drives your team and what motivates your team and how to harness both can create more growth, fulfilment, and satisfaction for your team and your organisation.

I’ll also add you to my occasional Sustainable Leadership e-bulletin, which has further insights into improving your leadership skills.

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