Tech Tools for Life Online
I have been using the online environment for over 15 years, and today I’ll be bringing some of the main ideas from this experience. We will look at some great ideas for encouraging participant engagement in the online environment, and we’ll have the chance to explore some of this mysterious online world together.
Engaging with Life Online
How do we go about influencing an audience so that they do change their behaviour, and turn Shelf-Development into Self-Development? This post looks at video conferencing, and in particular, at some additional tools we can use to encourage participation and engagement in online meetings.
Are you an influencer?
If we can’t get people to change their behaviour by changing their behaviour, how do we go about Influencing an audience, so that they do change their behaviour, and turn Shelf-Development into Self-Development?
Intentional Neglect, and Productivity
Do you know where you’re going to?Well, everyone ends up somewhere, but few people end up somewhere on purpose! Will you?
Tough Times and Turning Points
This turn of events also brought me to the start of a journey into a new season in my life and career. A transition from majoring on sales for other people and minoring on and training, to the new season where I am majoring on speaking, coaching and training and only engaging in sales for the newly formed “Leadership for Business”.
Time, and Life the Universe and Everything
We could consider each day to be like a fresh new cheque (or a new check in US currency) in a chequebook, and we can choose the value to write on that cheque. We can choose to have a lazy day and write a value of £10 for the day, or we can choose to have a really productive day and write £1,000 for the day.
If it looks like a duck
The lesson here is that where something has all the characteristics of a thing, it probably is that thing, never mind what it is called or presented as, and despite the objective evidence to the contrary.
Mind the gap
In leadership terms, it’s important to know where you’re going to, to define where you want to end up. Sometimes this is really quite obvious. When Kennedy stated “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade” on September 12 1962 it was really quite obvious where there was, and where here was. There was the moon, and here was the earth.If we don’t know where we are, we’ll not be able to chart the course to where we want to get to ...
Leaders are Listeners
Most people would agree that listening is an essential skill in life and business, yet so few seem to be skilled practitioners. In my line of business I spend quite a lot of time “networking” ...
Influence: to encourage someone to take action
"Don’t look at them … they’re only showing off!"Don’t look at them. That’s a phrase I seem to hear from the passenger seat quite often when a really nice car drives past catching my attention.
Party Hats
"All generalisations are false."A couple of years ago we had the most amusing start to the traditional Christmas Day turkey dinner. At the appointed time we all sat down, as usual, proceeded to pour a glass of something cold and sparkling, undo our napkins, and then each of us took hold of a shiny tube and pulled one end or the other in pairs.
Level 4 leadership
Who are you investing in? Mozart is universally acknowledged as one for all types of music down the ages, Gershwin was one for popular music, Lonnie Donegan was one according to Roger Glover (bassist for Deep Purple) and Elvis Presley was one according to Rolling Stone magazine.